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Thursday 14 May 2015

Easy Steamed Fish

How much I have to pay to eat whole steamed sea bass in restaurant?
at least RM 35 just for the fish...
abihtu, nasi..? telor..? air..? kerupuk?
Tak berpasal habis seratus ringgit...

Tak berbaloi..?
Sangat tak berbaloi, kalau tiap hari macam ini boleh bengkrap mak...
Tak terbeli Kondo depan KLCC tu ye... lol

so yes, we cook our own steamed fish for the first time
We choose sea bass cos of less fishy and less bone around

We use perencah A1, 
Brand A1 is good for their Chinese style cooking such as emperor chicken, chikuteh, and tea-egg.

We tried for our Thai-Style Steamed Fish
(Which I don't even know what is that, I thought steamed fish is steamed fish lol)

We go the fish cleaned from the supermarket assistant,
but we just re-check and make sure everything cleaned.

Cut all the fin.. and ready to go

The fish was too big, we need to cut into two to fit the bowl and steamer
Smear the seasoning,
Cover with cling wrap.
Steamed for 15-20 min

Forgive me bahagian ujung yang bonyak tu...
Kita tak tahu macam mana bentuk-bentuk fish yang sudah masak.
So, kopek sana sini, dan rasa... baru tahu tingkat kemasakan :P

garnish the fish with fresh coriander and spring onion.
I love the smells of fresh coriander lightly infused to the fish and gravy

Served with steamed rice and some vegetable for your fiber source.

not bad ya... ?
(self approval)


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