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Wednesday 18 October 2017

Picnic in Port Dickson Beach

When the world change from conventional laptop into tablet and smart phone,
there I got sore eyes whenever I stare at the tiny screen to long.

In result, Mak pun dah jadi malas nak menulis.
Idea tu banyak, time nak tido ke... nak mandi ada ja hasrat nak menulis.

Den bungkus badan dengan tuala,
buka laptop... HAAAA SUDAAAH

anak pun ikut duduk sekali, 
pas tu merengek nak Didi la... nak Baby Shark la... Nak Old McDonald la....

Bertukar lah kami,
Mak pegang tablet.. anak pegang laptop.
But I just couldn't stand with ipad and phone to do my work.
Id rather wrote it on a piece of paper.

So begini lah...
Bersawang blog Mak..


Juls Julie80 said...

comelnyer si kecik is poling in lebbbbb... ekekek <3

Prananingrum said...

hai ...nice to know you.....what a handsome boy

Mama The Explorer said...

Terimakasih bebanyak Kakak Juls.... Jom la jumpa kalau free.