Today one year ago I lied half conscious, half numb, half stupid, half die on operation table.
Hows the feeling...? ahhh.... I don't think I can afford to repeat it again.
**bab melahirkan kita citer nanti je laiye....
Anyway, having her is the biggest miracle I've ever dreamed in my life. I was thought I would never have a chance to be a Mom. But ya.. after memboyot kesana-kemari macam pembawa tenor kat marching band, lepaskan kerja, lepaskan bisnis, lepaskan semua aktiviti, Tuhan pun bagi Mama seorang baby yang cantik dan rupawan. Alhamdulillah sehat zahir-batin tak kurang apapun semasa lahir. .
*sudah-sudah la tu Mama, tak payah nak terharu menitikkan air Mata...
aisshhh.... macam kau seorang je yang punya great experience beranak...
Mak-Mak lain pon punya lah....
Marcella two hours old :) |
Marcella Amalina Watkins.
12:30pm, 3.6 kg
Setelah drama tentang selebret-takmauselebret, Mama pun buat selebret ala-ala kita sendiri. Setelah success buat goodie bag, Mama pun buat simple birthday cake. Please don't think about me weighing flour, eggs, etc. I just use 'greens' premix cake, tepek-aduk-bakar.
Kamis malam, I mix this and that making three ramekin size of cake.
Purposely made small cakes. I use only one and keep the other two in the chiller un-touch so it will stay nice when we give to other kids.
(previously memang nak buat cake besar tapi...)
1. call Mak Adam.. cakap: Adam kat Kajang ni tante, dah seminggu kat rumah nenek.
2. Call Mak Izham, Lulu dan Rayyan: Tak leeeeh..... Kitaorang nak pi Seremban ada kenduri
3. Call aunty Shoffy: Ontinya weekend ini mau ke singapore dik, mau ikut Om Koko kerja disana.
Nak kol siapa lagi? Dah kawan Marcella itu sahaja
**ada berani orang tanya kenapa cake Marcella kecik sangat?? meh, aku gigit korang.
Again, Marcella and Mama
Just two of us
its alright, still fun tho...
kesiyan ko Marcella, nak selebret besday je pun susah benar nak ada orang datang.
Happy Birthday Sayang,
*Meant to have picture of Marcella blow the candle, but both of us were freaking out when we light the candle and we just take the picture as it is.
Kotor nanti satu rumah dengan icing. Lepas one klik, terus simpan cake semula...
We save the cake and wait 'til Daddy home so Marcella can blow the candle with him.
We'd better had selfies, But I think she was not impressed at all. She was hungry
I made special organic beef-vegetable-aglio olio pasta and boiled egg for Birthday Lunch
Boileg Egg..??
Yeah, I know.. Boiled Egg + Pasta sounds odd for adult
but its her kind of new fave combination of food.
Birthday Girl enjoy her birthday lunch :)
Lepas baju dulu, tukar dengan kaos lolot
Mama malas basuh baju bau telur
after couple minutes of nice meal
Pasta on head and neck
Dah makan, pakai baju, nak ambir gambar semula tapi kekenyangan dan menantuk sangat...

Fuuff fuff Happy Birthday...
Happy Birthday little one
We pray for your health,your happiness, and your bright future
Comel cantik macam ni tak mau selebret besday..?
Korang ni dah kenapa? Celebret bukan perlu duit banyak pun. Bukan kena panggil snoop dog datang Malaysia untuk menyayi hepi besday pun. Kek, goodie bag and couple good friends around pun cukup.
I will.. I will and
I will celebrate your birthday every single year until you said "Mom, I think I can survive without Birthday cake and candles"
**mak nya terharu lagi, menitis air mata lagi,
menaip sambil lap ingus...
adeeeeh.... hahaha sudah lah...
Tahun depan kita panggil Taylor Swift buat selebret Marcella's 2nd birthday laiye... kita bayar kaw-kaw..