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Friday, 24 June 2011

Captain Grill

Enough being meatless...
can't take it..
I need source of Iron

Friday Night, alone and lonely..
Sitting on the porch,
Enjoying chill wine i got from groceries and some peanuts.
**not entertaining at all...!!!


Now I decide to go out for dinner (alone..)

what a crap huh.. 

soft bread and butter for entree..
I need to watch how many i ate, or end up with sleeping before the meat coming in

my big size food (finally)
medium, tender.. separate sauce
and extra French fries

enjoy the night on the deck..

and sea...

and tasting grappa
(the waiter said, it is a great quality grappa)

ewwwyykkk... taste like Ron 97 (Petrol made by Petronas)
**I said ewyk, but I manage to drank both of them with a help big gulp of coffee

back to my old wine..
better and safer..

wasn't sure what i'm thinking about.
one of them : can I stay on the sea shore forever...?

last bit to gulp down,
it makes the grappa easier to swallow..

oh yeah, I'm tipsy..
but manage to go back safely, 
even able to take picture of myself without blurring it

Lonely Friday Night
Better I sleep early or watch Discovery Channel
** hope I won't be hungry again tonight :'(


Klita said...

ini kapan?semalem?hahha ngerti ngono tak kancani?wkwkwk itu baju baru yg mbok bilang, cantik^^ dan steaknya menggoda..keliatannya empuk...slurrrppp*

Mama The Explorer said...

itu baju lama.. daging itu kalau di tempat kita jadi lauk orang serumah ya?
haha, lumayan menghibur hati..